
Three tomatoes are walking down the street
- a poppa tomato, a momma tomato, and a little baby tomato.
Baby tomato starts lagging behind.
Poppa tomato gets angry, goes over to the baby tomato, and squishes him... and says:

hahaa trött som fan ..

Kategori: Från förr

Jag kollar på Sex & the City - första gången jag såg detta avsnitt insåg jag att jag är som Miranda på insidan .. med tanke på att jag inte har rött hår eller en advokatsutbildning så är det bara känsomässigt .. i serien -. ja jag vet att hon är en skådis .. men i alla fall läs detta: det är så mitt liv kommer se ut!  

I am so fucked up. I am so fucked up. - Miranda
Okay we need to divide and conquer. What's going on? - Carrie
I can't say I love you. I just can't. It's not in my DNA. And everywhere I look,it is just flying out of people's mouths. - Miranda
Who's mouths is it flying out of? - Carrie
Everyone. Jules and Mimi.- Miranda
They're fictional. - Carrie
But they say it. Robert said it. - Miranda
He said it on a cookie - Carrie
I am so fucked up. Robert asked about the cookie and it was the perfect time to say it and I couldn't.He was just hanging there waiting and I couldn't. I am never gonna be happy. Just not gonna happen for me. - Miranda
Do you love him? - Carrie
How can I love him if I can't even say the words? - Miranda
Well. - Carrie
I always thought that when the right guy came along all of my bullshit will calm down and go away and the words would just fall out of my mouth because I would know he was the one. And here he is. The perfect guy. And I.. - Miranda
Is he the one? - Carrie
I don't know. I don't know. Because I am so fucked up. And I am gonna ruin my life. - Miranda
Stop. It's too late to ruin your life. The only thing you're gonna ruin tonight is your night and mine. I was kidding. - Carrie
I'm laughing on the inside. - Miranda


  • Yämci säger:

    fyfan vad det där stämmer xD..ironiskt :/

    2009-12-16 | 21:21:10
  • Courtney säger:

    jag veeet :S

    2009-12-20 | 19:33:16

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